It’s all go on board Areandare – a huge catch-up!
I'm frequently in awe of those prolific bloggers who manage to write, edit and publish a post a day - at the moment even a post a week feels out of reach. Apologies readers, there's so much going on in...
View ArticleRe-visiting the Anderton Boat Lift – and venturing into new territory
There's reportedly seven wonders of the Inland Waterways in Britain. To date, we've been fortunate enough to experience six of them - and we're planning on completing the seventh next month. The...
View ArticleContinuing on The Rochdale Canal – Barry gets a bit bruised
On Thursday we set off on what was to turn into a bit of a nightmare trip. Two boats had already left when Patrick knocked on our door around 9am, and we said we'd really appreciate sharing the days'...
View ArticleAn unavoidably late start and finish – to avoid ‘Dead Man’s Stretch’!
We realised after last Thursday's fiasco of a day that starting out early on this canal was probably a very good idea. The catch was we weren't able to as we had to wait for a Home Brew Boat supplies...
View ArticleOur journey from Littleborough to Hebden through Barry’s eyes – part two
There's a few more photos on this post - Barry must've seen so much worth keeping for posterity! And so we finish this post in the tantalising town of Todmorden - the county boundary of Lancashire...
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